
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Culture @ IIMB

Culture @ IIMB
Right in the middle of hustle and justle of city of Bangalore, there stands calm, peaceful campus of a prime Business school, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore(IIMB). The peace, serenity of the campus as you enter the main gate of the IIMB Fortress, amuses you and gives the very feeling of entering a world class educational institute. The tranquility of the beautiful campus prevails over most of the 100 acres area except the most happening places of students hostel and the Mess. Of the few contrasts observed, the first brunt would be of loud music systems played around the Hostel Block; however it is this strong dose in the night that energises the community here and makes them fresh for the healthy participation in discussions in the serene classrooms the next day.
IIMB enjoys the stature of one of the top-most business schools in India. Similar to this land of contrasts, IIMB has a lot of contrasting features and diversities, however what keeps the diverse communities at IIMB together is the culture of IIMB. To begin with, the stone buildings within IIMB campus would remind you of princely, historical estates, however the dwellers of this place define modernity in every sense. The library could be looked upon as a bunker where you could bury yourselves into books and yet shelter yourselves from the loud music blow around. However this bunker as well promotes an open culture of the campus, where by opening just a few windows of library bunker, it offers the complete view of book capital the institute has. The Hostel blocks too favour open cultural exchange (sharing of ideas, music) due to its typical structural and architectural design. All the corridors, passages of each hostel block have been abundantly ventilated and each of the Hostel block floor has a 5-6 feet wide passage called 'Bar'. This 'Bar' offers an excellent venue for the hostel dwellers to relax, study, enjoy the party, share the ideas, music and perhaps all these things at the same time. It promotes the sharing and flows of fresh thoughts as smoothly as the wind flows in the ventilated corridors. Within these blocks are four Quadrangles, which are host to various sports events such as Volleyball, Basketball, Cricket and Throw ball. These are another sets of locations that captivates students and readily invites them to join the sports events.
Another contrast, at an educational institute such as IIM Bangalore, you wouldn't certainly expect a geek; but someone who is seeker of knowledge, in depth understanding of the subject. No doubt, the IIMB student community is highly knowledgeable, but not necessarily knowledge seeker. It fosters more of Mission Culture where activities are strongly (and strictly?) goal oriented. Right in the first week of joining IIMB, the new batch imbibes the ultimate goal of spectacular placement from their seniors. With complete understanding of this ultimate goal, the managers (second year students of Placement Committee), envision and communicate the targets (Succinct yet Mighty Resume, splendid extracurricular activities etc.) to the new members of this organisation. An excellent CGPA may be seemingly taking a back seat as the first target (summer placements) could be realised without much of help of first semester CGPA. Though the environment is not completely stable (a lot of assignments and self study, competitive nature of the course and tough competition), the managers translate their vision into measurable goals for the new joinees (required CGPA, other managerial skills building, contribution to extracurricular activities such as Business Festivals, events). The whole process for contribution to various tasks (Acad council, Festivals, Class Representative role, committee roles) has been transparent, open yet with a opportune feedback, help (tutorials) offered to new joinees at every instant. This whole is an indicator of a strong Mission culture at IIMB.
IIMB Culture could be distinctly identified by a few rites, ceremonies and symbols. Each of the performer (at presentation or at events or exemplary academic achievement) is greeted with an applaud or a standing ovation. At the same time the below the mark or non-conforming performance to IIMB standards usually gets greeted with unanimous resounding of 'Huush'. One of the symbolic elements of culture could be found in many of the powerpoint presentations. The presentations, if not all but many, have a video to take the idea home; many professors and students seem to ritually follow this protocol.
Almost every state of India is represented at IIMB, what keeps them together all the while are L2 Parties around Hostel Block A and the Mess. The Mess at IIMB with its mission statement of 'Energising IIMB' happens to be most frequent meeting place for all the 'junta' of IIMB. The idea of energising seems to have translated so well, that ghee, butter, milk and dairy products, sprouted pulses and lentils are components of the square meal everyday. The mess runs a night canteen, that supports the culture of studying late night as it gives an occasion to students to come down during midnight for a quick coffee. The L2 Party is another facet of IIMB culture; L2 is a corridor near Hostel Block A, host to a DJ night every fortnight. The L2 presents opportunity to shake your legs, chill out and obviate all the tensions of hectic, competitive academic life.
The variety education that IIMB offers (directly and indirectly) was vivid during the induction program for the first year students. The one and half week packed induction program included a team building workshop, theatre, classical music concert, alumni interaction, industry interaction as well as social responsibility initiative. Life at IIMB thrives in a culture where all of these things happen quite often while on campus. Whole of this has been correctly realised in various club activities by a neatly mission cultured organisation. Even the exchange students are seen assimilated with the mainstream by the various welcome events and parties particularly aimed at this goal.
Well, with the discourse above, one should not be drawn to conclusion that an IIMB student is a self centred to concentrate only on his careerist goals. IIMB Students actively contribute to academic wealth of the institute. Through various clubs specialising in various management disciplines, he participates in co-authoring papers, organising colloquia, taking tutorials for first year students and writing Cases for the future students. The Case Methodology is again a flagship pedagogy of IIMB. Each professor, student will have a presentation with strong case(s) supporting the theme. A lot of emphasis has been laid on good Case development by the various consulting groups, clubs within IIMB such as ICON, NetWorth, SCM Centre and such Cases are rewarded and recognised well.
The firsthand experience of all these, bids me to say 'Culture at IIMB is a strong case to study business school cultures', isn't it? Is anyone making a Case for 'Managing Organisations' out of it?


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